Modern French Quarter

Modern brick vanishing edge family pool design, spa, and covered outdoor kitchen and living area with fireplace
Master Plan Illustrated in Pool Studio
Finished Family Pool and Outdoor Living Area

Watch as the master planned design as illustrated in Pool Studio transforms into the reality of a finished family pool and outdoor living area.

Family Pool – Modern French Quarter

Modern French Quarter is a really cool family pool project because it combines a lot of the Louisiana New Orleans feel with the Katrina brick and the Orleans gas lamps. What it does is it takes a house that started predominantly an Italian Tuscan house and we transitioned it and evolved into this French Quarter transitional modern backyard. And when we say transitional modern, what that is the use of an inverted negative edge and crisp modern geometry but using traditional New Orleans materials.

So, what we did is we took the feel of New Orleans from a material standpoint and clouded on to a very modern family pool shape. The combination of those created this wonderful array of textures and colors that remind us of Louisiana. Then we use the elevation changes so the upper pool is 18 inches up from the lower spa collection trough.

The unique feature about this whole design is the spa is on the lower level. So is the cabana. We wanted a sunken arena of elements down on the lower part of the yarn and those sunken elements combine the lower cabana, the lower firepit, the lower spa, and the lower trough. There’s an array of about five features that are down at the lower part of the yard. The clients wanted when they entertain, they wanted to pull people out into the yard into the depth of the yard. That’s why all of the major social features are at the back of this pool. What that does is it forces everyone to experience the entire yard versus having to stay up at the upper level at the main port.

So now what they have is they’ve got the main porch at the upper level with a TV, summer kitchen, what you would typically see on a architectural home. Then you have that whole lower world which comprises another kitchen, spa, cabana, and firepit. So, it’s almost like this little resort that’s in the back of the yard that you have to walk down into to view. But then when you look back up to the main house, you’re looking across this awesome negative edge of the family pool. So, it really gives you the best of both worlds from an upper standpoint and a lower standpoint.

That’s how we created this modern French Quarter composition.

Family Pool – The Modern French Quarter Project Gallery

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We are the leading Houston  pool builder. When we design a pool, it’s not just about the pool. It’s about where you eat, where you cook, where you’re gonna watch the ball game. We create an entire outdoor living environment.

Call or email Marquise Pools today and allow us to share some fresh ideas with you. We can then discuss preparing a design and quotation for you. Learn why Marquise Pools is the best Houston Pool Builder.

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Marquise Pools, LLC
27326 Robinson Road
Oak Ridge, Texas 77385

281-296-7946 (Phone)
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